I wrote a post on the L.A. Immigration Protest that is supposed to take place on Monday, May 1st. There are a couple of individuals who left comments on that post that are seriously raising the question of how many Mexicans are in agreement with Osama bin Laden?
I normally do not engage with individuals who comment on my blog, but I felt I must disclose this...
i can only hope you country burns in hell.. and that the US Immigration Office burns too, with YOUR heritage.oh by the way, not only Osama wants ya'll dead.. so watch your back.
you live in your fancy "world" only because you have them wetbacks working their asses off for you.. and you have us the REAL americans buying your products, but HEY that's not gonna happen anymore, if you don't sell you will crash.. or what? can you support that too?
all i can say is F U K America.. thanks for giving me the Freedom of speech assholes... there's my email for anyone with enough brains to write.
|| Posted by Xavier, April 27, 2006 08:31 AM ||
Xavier invites anyone who wants to write: e_xavier_@hotmail.com
It appears that Xavier has a follower:
Yeah!! that's my man Xavi! You heard it bithces, watch your asses. May 1st, you will not believe your eyes when you see ALL the real cultures standing together in such a beautiful cause. I hope, and i strongly believe it will give very good results. || Posted by CuTY, April 27, 2006 08:38 AM ||
CuTY left the following contact information: c_u_t_y_@hotmail.com
While I am not posting their IP address, both IP's are located in Mexico.
Folks, the time has come. We MUST secure our borders. Otherwise, our next act of terrorism could very easily come from a country we thought to be somewhat friendly...
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Comments on How Do Mexican Citizens Really Feel?
Wow, how naive could we Americans be?
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